Вышла статья сотрудников института "Physicochemical Aspects of Development of Multicomponent Chalcogenide Phases Having the Tl5Te3 Structure: A Review" с Импакт Фактором (CA) в "Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry"
Дек 17, 2018 | 13:30 / Конференции, собрания
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The literature data on ternary structural analogues of the compound Tl5Te3 and multicomponent phases based on them are systematized. This class of inorganic substances is of considerable scientific and practical interest as promising functional materials having thermoelectric, optical, and magnetic properties, as well as topologically protected surface states and superconductivity. The focus of the survey is on phase equilibria in ternary and more complex systems where structural analogues of Tl5Te3 are formed. Crystalstructure features, thermodynamic and some physical properties of these compounds and phases of variable composition are considered.

"Physicochemical Aspects of Development of Multicomponent Chalcogenide Phases Having the Tl5Te3 Structure: A Review" S. Z. Imamaliyeva, D. M. Babanly, D. B. Tagiev, and M. B. Babanly. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 63, No. 13, pp. 1704–1730.