In the "International Journal of Ingineerin Sciences & Researche Nechniligy" by academician of ANAS Dilgam Tagiyev, D.Sc. Elza Salakhova et al (IF 4,11) monofraphy has been published
Nov 21, 2016 | 11:07 / Important events
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In the monography “The electrochemical method for obtaining  thin covering of chalcogenides rhenium” investigated various electrochemical methods revealed the scientific basis of joint electrodeposition of rhenium with chalcogens patterns of different electrolytes and synthesized new semiconductor coating of rhenium chalcogenides. The electrolyte used sulfate, thiosulfate, chloride-sulphate, chloride-borate, and alkaline solutions containing various concentrations of rhenium and chalcogen (S, Se, Te).As has shown the co-deposition process is accompanied by depolarization, which proves the formation of a chemical compound or a solid solution based on these compounds and determines potential range in which to cathode stoichiometric compound are formed.

E.Salakhova, D.Tagiyev, K Ibrahimova, P.Kalantarova “The electrochemical method for obtaining  thin covering of chalcogenides rhenium” IJESRT 5(10), 2016, p. 390-399

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