Вышла статья сотрудников института «Phase Diagrams in Materials Science of Topological Insulators Based on Metal Chalcogenides» с Импакт Фактором (TR) в “Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry”
Дек 20, 2017 | 15:10 / Важные события
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The literature data on topological insulators (TIs) based on metal chalcogenides, which constitute a new unique class of functional materials, are systematized here in the context of physicochemical analysis and crystal chemistry. An accent is on the phase diagrams of relevant systems and the crystal structures of the main TI types. We show that, for search and design of new phases having TI properties, it will be expedient to revise earlier constructed phase diagrams for some systems, especially BV–Se(Te) and AIV–BV–Te (AIV = Ge, Sn, Pb; BV = Sb, Bi) systems, using new approaches to studies of phase equilibria. There is also a need for systematic studies of complex systems involving binary and ternary TIs.

«Phase Diagrams in Materials Science of Topological Insulators Based on Metal Chalcogenides» M. B. Babanly, E. V. Chulkov, Z. S. Aliev, A. V. Shevelkov, and I. R. Amiraslanov. “Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry” 2017, Vol. 62, No. 13, pp. 1703–1729.