Aynura Shamil Tomuyeva



Synthesis and structure-chemical aspects of clathrate formation

of  metalcomplexes (Cu, Zn, Cd, Co, Ni)  with o-  and p-ftalaromatic acids




The paper is dedicated to the study of clathrate formation of some metalcomplexes with bibasic aromatic carbon (phtalic and terephtalic) acids and their structure-chemical research.

Because of the complexes solubility limitation the HCOOH and CH3COOH acids are chosen as a “quest” molecules.

The choise of metalcomplexes with phtalic and terephtalic acids is connected with their polymer structure.

In our early researches we obtained that the clathrate compounds are formed exclusively on the basis of complex compounds with dimeric and polymeric structures.

The formation a lot of clathrate compounds on the basis of complexes of Cu, Zn, Cd, Co, Ni (oxidation degree is 2) with phtalic and terephtalic acids is established by the methods of X-ray graphic, IR-spectroscopy, DTA, elemental analysis.

The hypothetic structure of some compounds is suggested and the mechanism of destruction process is elucidated.

It is shown that at the clathrate formation the structure units (polymer chains) of complexes are remained.

But their displacement, break and sometimes the conversion dimeric structure into tetrameric are observed because of the sizes and geometric forms of “quest” molecules.

The molecular sieve properties of some compounds are studied. It is obtained that the composites prepared on the basis of such compounds improve the reological properties of non-nyuton oils.    

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